The Golden Circle is certainly one of Iceland’s most popular tourist routes. The day tour starting from Reykjavik to the south region, features 3-4 stunningly beautiful locations and then return.
辛格維利爾國家公園 Thingvellir (Þingvellir) National Park
這國家公園位於版塊接合處,在這裡你可以同時橫跨美洲 (北美版塊) 和歐洲 (歐亞版塊),兩大版塊經過億年時間分離成了今天的大西洋。在觀景台上俯瞰議會湖的美景。
At Thingvellir you can see where the Eurasian and the North American tectonic plates meet as well as the way those plates have been drifting apart. Here at the viewpoint to see the panoramic view of the area.
The schedule is always tight for a group tour, we don’t have plenty of time to walk through the park, this is one of the best view along the footpaths leading down to the carpark.
間歇泉 Strokkur
間歇泉是因為地底壓力而瞬間爆發的地熱溫泉,遊客在圍觀等待噴發一刻。Geysir 地區中最活躍的間歇泉就是這個,噴發頻率大約在6 - 8分鐘一次,每次噴發的水柱可以高達20-40米,近距離觀看十分壯觀呢。
Strokkur is a fountain-type geyser located in a geothermal area - Geysir, active geysers like Strokkur are rare around the world. People surrounding are waiting for the eruption, Strokkur erupting to heights up to 20-40 meters every 6-8 minutes. We can see the power of nature in a close-up.
Be smart and choose a right place when waiting a geyser to erupt, otherwise you will like us getting hot spring water spray on your clothes, but never mind because we wear waterproof clothing on rainy day and it is fun also.
黃金瀑布 Gullfoss
冰島最大的斷層瀑布 (寬約2500米、總高約32米),隱藏於峽谷中。又回到這句,天氣晴朗這裡可以美10倍,在陽光普照的日子一條大彩虹永不缺席掛在瀑布上,可想這景象多美。
Located in a plunging valley, this powerful waterfall tumbles down two drops, from an overall height of 32 metres and width 2500 metres. It is a pity that the sun is absent, Gullfoss is also known for the rainbows that arise from its spray on a sunny day.
When walk towards right up to the edge of the falls, its close enough to feel the spray on your face.
火山口 Kerið
There are around 130 volcanos existing in Iceland including both active and inactive. Kerið crater was formed about 6500 years ago, the rocks surrounding the crater are fiery reds and oranges, not like the others are usually in black colour.
Kerið is completely oval with a lake in its bottom (depth between 7 and 14 m). The minimal ingredients infiltrate and turn it to azure water, which contrast beautifully with the rock colour. The path around the crater is flatten and easy to go around or go down to the lake edge to view it at the bottom.
藍湖溫泉 Blue Lagoon
冰島人最愛的活動之一就是泡溫泉,鹼性溫泉數量 (約250個) 是全球之冠。藍湖的水用天然地熱發電,把海水混入純水加熱至36-39℃,泉水的藍色是透過水中的矽土折射光線。這裡入場費不便宜,賓客可以免費敷面膜和享用飲料。矽泥面膜是在湖底拿上來,含豐富礦物和海藻有美白、去角質和增加彈性的功效啊。在藍湖像湊熱鬧人多也很嘈,想真正享受寧靜和大自然融和的溫泉,相信有更好的選擇。黃金圈一天旅程完滿結束了。
Iceland has highest number of hot springs (250) in the world and almost every Icelander love hot springs. The geothermal fresh and sea-water comes from very deep wells and the temperature is around 36-39℃. The beautiful azure colour is the reflection of the silica mud contained in the water. The entrance fee is pricy, visitors are compliment with a drink and soothing white silica mud, which is rich in nutritious algae and mineral salts and is perfectly good for skincare. Blue Lagoon is undoubtedly stunning but it is really hard to have a quiet corner to enjoy the landscape. Here comes to the end of the Golden Circle journey.
The rustic nature scene outside the window always wow me in transit on the road. Don’t miss it and get ready your camera and don’t fall asleep.
Icelandic horses holds a very special place in the Icelander’s hearts and souls. They are long-lived and hardy, pony sized with tick mane, coat and tail living freely in the natural environment on private land. It is one of the purest horse breeds in the world. Icelandic law prevents horses from being imported into the country and once gone, they may never return.
The journey at Iceland is unforgettable including the heavenly landscape and the quick change weather, we visited one third of the top attractions although we always felt that time is not enough for us to go into details. I am dreaming to stay at Iceland for a year and revisit all the places in different seasons. Chit-chat with the locals and understand their life and living.
希望冰島的珍貴地貌得以保存,不修飾不做作的天地萬物令人著迷。還有一堆想探索的待續清單: 看極光、探冰洞、進火山口、出海看鯨魚、探馬、看冰島鳥、浮潛、露營、健行、擺街擋和發呆。有機會重訪會準備得更好。
I believe Icelander treasure the gift from the nature, preserve the environment with all their effort and don’t let it destroyed by the great boom in tourism in recent years. It is a long journey for us traveling to Iceland from the other-side of the world, It is definitely worth it. I have a to-do-list for the revisit one day: see the northern lights, into the glacier and volcano, see the giant whale, horse and puffin, snorkelling in Silfra, camping and hiking, hawking and just daze.
後話:每次出遠門都有大事發生,2014雨傘運動在蘇格蘭,2019年政改觸發的社運在冰島。人在外時想知道香港發生的事又不敢追看,怕調節不了心情繼續旅程。臨別那天在冰島旅館留言冊一頁,貼上寫了「加油!」的Post-it Note 在別人的留言上,原來身在遠方同一屋簷下也有關心著香港的朋友。
Tourist Information: Keflavik International Airport https://www.isavia.is/en/keflavik-airport Icelandair https://www.icelandair.com/en-gb/
Iceland Tourist Board https://www.ferdamalastofa.is/en Aurora forecast I https://en.vedur.is/weather/forecasts/aurora/#type=total Aurora forecast II http://www.aurora-service.eu/aurora-forecast/ Mila Live webcams https://www.livefromiceland.is Baltic Livecam https://balticlivecam.com/cameras/iceland/ Vatnajökull National Park https://www.vatnajokulsthjodgardur.is/en Transfer: Reykjavik Excursions - Flybus https://www.re.is/tour/flybus-transfer/ Pick-up and drop-off places https://busstop.is Luggage Lockers http://www.luggagelockers.is Road web cams http://www.road.is/travel-info/web-cams/ Tour information: Inspired by Iceland https://www.inspiredbyiceland.com Guide to Iceland https://guidetoiceland.is Visit Reykjanes https://www.visitreykjanes.is East Iceland https://www.east.is South Iceland https://www.south.is West Iceland https://www.west.is North Iceland https://www.northiceland.is/en NiceTravel https://nicetravel.is Extreme Iceland https://www.extremeiceland.is Hidden Iceland https://hiddeniceland.is Glacier Guildes https://www.glacierguides.is/about Aurora bus tour https://bustravel.is/tours/northern-lights-tours/nl-bus Hop-on, Hop-off bus tours https://www.hop-on-hop-off-bus.com/reykjavik-iceland-bus-tours Blog & Page: Unlock Iceland https://www.facebook.com/unlockiceland/ Icelandislander 冰島島民 https://www.facebook.com/icelandislander/ An Article by Iceland Buddy, Top Hot Spring in Iceland #travel #Iceland #Golden_circle #blog #photography #冰島 #遊記 #攝影 #黃金圈 #相集