從愛丁堡出發,向西北方向走,Inverness 是蘇格蘭高地的首府,我們要到的是偏西邊的Isle of Skye, Portree 是她的最大城鎮, 我們在這裡住上2個晚上。參加了Local Tour,第一天早上8:30集合,到達Portree時已經是傍晚6點了;這麼長的車程,沿途會在景點稍作停頓,導遊小姐Emily非常厲害專業,沿途一邊駕車一邊講解,第二天才是精彩的部份。
Inverness is the the capital and the northeast city of Scottish Highlands, we are going to Isle of Skye, the west part of highlands and we will stay at Portree, settlement of Skye. We joint a local tour and gather at Edinburgh at 8:30 in the morning and when we arrived Portree, it is already 18:00. Our tour guild Emily is tough and professional, she introducing highlands and driving at the same time. Looking forward to Day 2, the best of the journey.
第二天,非常幸運,到達重要的景點,大太陽都會出現。 蘇格蘭高地形成於冰河時期,由分裂的高原組成,古老的岩石被水流和冰川,不斷推擠分割成峽谷和湖泊,冰河時期結後,留下一個不規則的、崎嶇起伏綿延不絕的丘陵峽谷山區和陡峭彎曲的海岸線,可能是交通不發達,這裡的原始味道仍然能保存著。
The island's peninsulas radiate from a mountainous centre dominated by the Cuillins, the rocky slopes of which provide some of the most dramatic mountain scenery and coastline in the country.
The land is remote and there is not a railway on Skye, the distance help it preserve and keep away from urban pollution I guest. Wow! double rainbow just appears in front of us, we can almost reach to it; rainbow also means shower is coming, that is the climate of highlands, sunshine and shower come on and off, a waterproof gear is an essential .
We arrive at early Oct, the climate is mild, wet and windy but not feeling very cold. There is no tall trees around, we can always saw Scottish Blackface sheeps around on the hills and eating all the time. Blackface's wool is valuable, and trade all over the world.
這些一堆一堆疊起的石頭,在路過的一處山頭見到,據說是當地人用作,祝福或紀念親人朋友的方法;古時,戰士出戰,回來時會拾一塊,一起帶回家的。Emily 說蘇格蘭人的性格很剛強,在天氣不隱定的山區生活,據說當年羅馬人打敗蘇格蘭軍的時候也未能征服蘇格蘭平民,他們寧願死也不會屈服,有導演根據情節,把蘇格蘭民族英雄William Wallce 力抗強權的事蹟改編拍成電影 《Braveheart》。
We saw a interesting picture, piles and piles of stone is along the road, Emily said it is a tradition way to memory family and friends. I have good impression of Scottish people, Emily said Scotsman personality is brave and strong, recommend a film《Braveheart》director by Mel Gibson, the film describe how William Wallce begins a revolt and leads Scottish warriors against the cruel English tyrant who rules Scotland with an iron fist.
我們的Tour是細規模形式,16人乘坐小形Benz,方便在山區穿梭。因為人少,在景點停留的時間也沒那麼緊張,到達Fairy Glen我們對這山區作了一點貢獻,用石頭修補了這個圓形圖案,紅色的berry是當地的幸運象徵,遇到愈紅的愈幸運。
The advantage of small group tour is flexible, we have 16 people in total with a Benz Sprinter, we have enough time to discover the real county, at Fairy Glen we have a good experience to rebuild the circle pattern with the nature resources Rocks! The red berry is the seed of a wildflower, it brings lucky, the red one is better, we got one and put it at the center of the circle.
我是很喜歡燈塔的,孤獨地守護著土地,給人引路。我們到過了蘇格蘭的最西點 Neist Point,最精彩的景緻在這天結束了,第三天,陰天的時間比較多,在高地這個聞名的景點 Eilean Donan Castle 也顯得有點憂鬱了。 最後一天要回到愛丁堡了。
I like to see lighthouse, it take care of the lands and provide navigation to the pilot, it stand alone quietly in the dark – Lighthouse at Neist Point the western of Scotland, the best scenery is almost comes to the end, because the weather is not so good the day after, see one of the famous attraction Eilean Donan Castle was in blue.
We are going south to Lake District and London and that's all for Scotland.