大清早離開愛丁堡坐火車南下,據聞英國的火車經常發生特發事故,例如:罷工停駛、改道、臨時更改月台⋯⋯等等,每當有廣播,大家也會很留心聽,我們有幸親身經歷了。前一晚的大雨,樹倒了在路軌上,我們需要乘接駁車,避開這個待清理的站,再接上火車,長長的人龍,一等便是2個多小時,電視台也有來採訪呢。原本2小時多的車程,在車站折騰一翻後,到達民宿已經下午3時了。 幸好還趕及看這個日落。
We leave Edinburgh and go to Lake District by railway in the early morning. I learnt form the internet that there is always unexpected things happen for British's railway service, for example strike, diversion of traffic, switch platform…etc. so when there is a broadcast you'll need to keep your wits about you. We unluckily encounter this, we took 2 and more hours in the queue for a shuttle bus transfer when train services was suspended which caused by a broken tree fallen on the railway. Finally we arrive Windermere at around 3 pm and luckily we can still catch up with the sunset.
湖區座落於坎布里亞郡,這一片鄉郊被納入國家公園一部份,是很受歡迎的度假勝地。遊客集中在 凱西克、溫德米爾、安布賽德、格拉斯米爾和鮑內斯。我們住在最近火車站的溫德米爾. 湖區的B&B多不勝數,我們入住的這間很舒適,早餐膳食不錯啊, 老闆和她們的貓也很熱情,感受到在用心經營。
Lake District lies within Cumbria. It is a popular holiday destination and the area is included in the National Park of UK. The major toruist attractions are located at these towns Keswick, Windermere, Ambleside, Grassmere and Bowness-on-Windermere. We stayed at a B&B in Windermere near the railway station, this B&B is operated by a young couple, which is comfortable and the food provided is delicious.
在湖區,可以轉為慢板節奏,享受寧靜悠閒;亦可以選擇要花點氣力的戶外活動。我們在這裡3天,計畫第一天到Orrest Head看日落;第二天到Keswick健行;第三天沿Windermere以西踩車,就是這個全動型的行程,把平時疏於鍛鍊的我,拆磨死了,去旅遊什會有這麼多的體力勞動?都是自找的,因為風景美麗,我們不甘心只坐在咖啡店呢!在湖區可以有很多活動,各式其式,查查看。在湖區走動,以巴士為主,特別要注意班次時間;英國的交通費很貴,如果是同行人數比較多,包車也化算。
There are many things you can do at Lake District. You can just enjoy a light walk along the lakes or climb up the mountain to burn calorie, just explore it. We have 3 days here, we plan a light walk to the Orrest Head on 1st day, a walk at Keswick on 2nd day and take a ride on the 3rd day. Wow! We got so much fun but I realize that it is too much for me, I'm really too tired for all theses outdoor activities comes in a row. Bus is the major transportation moving around Lake District but the schedule is not frequent, check it before you go.
我們選擇Keswick附近的健行段,這裡有巴士到達,比較好找,可惜天氣不太好,昏昏暗暗的。 若果和蘇格蘭高地比較,這裡的山勢沒那麼高,樹多了,風景比較平靜;健行路徑由容易到艱險的也有,比較大眾化同時,商業味濃一點。
A walk around Keswick on a cloudy day. To compare Highlands with Lake District, overall I think if you are looking for wild and natural scenery better choose Highlands, Lake District is more in holiday mode, peaceful and a bit commercial.
There is not many shop for bike rental, we find one just next to the railway station; but we chosen to rent a bike near the pier because a easier track over there, it fit me as a beginner level rider. Hi sheeps, look at the camera and cheers!
在香港,天鵝都是關在植物公園裡,遊人只可以遠距離觀看,這裡的天鵝是隨意走動的,而且數量也不少啊!In Hong Kong, swan is living at park in a closed area and they are always keep in a distance. It is interesting to see swans are so free and can walk around.
旅遊,增廣見聞,美麗動人的風景讓人開眼界;但只有人的相遇才能為這個地方添加色彩。認識了一位從台灣來的朋友,住同一間B&B,和她很有緣份;在湖區的景點相遇,離開湖區後,在倫敦的美術館又再相遇。 Travel is an eye-opener, besides the beautiful scenery, what I treasure is the opportunity to meet new friends, the interaction of people add value to the journey. Our new friend from Taiwan, we are stayed at the same B&B and we met by chance always at some attractions.