乘搭火車大約2小時到達London。回到城市,人頭湧湧,好像回到香港;很懷念,先前旅程那種大地任我行的感覺。倫敦景點大部份都是建築物、美術館、教堂、博物館⋯⋯等等。比較特別的是在Tower of London 的大規模戶外藝術裝置,我們當然不會錯過。
Leave Lake District and go to London. A capital city, so many people around and around busy just like back to Hong Kong, I start missing the greenery in Scotland. We went to most of the tourist attractions around District 1&2; and here it is an art installation at Tower of London, is one of the most impressive landmark I think.
在倫敦市內走走,偶然會見到一些街道,保留著古蹟;建築物新舊交融,感覺很特別呢。逛街時睜開眼睛「景點」 可能就在下個轉角處。
I enjoy walk along streets more than shopping in a mall, when you walk along the streets in London, there are some historical sites exist sometimes. It is interesting to see the mix and match of modern and historical buildings.
We have 2.5 days stay at London and I always enjoy take picture of the people on the street. They are focusing on what they are doing unaffected and just like telling me their story. It is a bit rush and I will schedule to spend more time for taking street shot next time in London.
「攝政街」和「卡納比街」是很好逛的購物區,大小牌子的店林立,也很多當地人購物。Liberty 是其一間我很喜歡的,家品十分有特色, 幸好我們不是天生購物狂,到這裡一定買買買,要破產了。
If you like shopping, don't miss Regent Street and Carnaby Street. Shops along the street either big or small brand and I specially like the home decoration products in this store – Liberty.
He is my compass, he made me felt safe and didn't get loss for the whole journey, Thank you very much! I am looking forward to the next journey.