Hong Kong is around 9516 km away from Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. This is the longest long haul flight we had taken so far. Here we go our 1st nordic trip by the end of Sep 2019.
在 Kefairport 國際機場看到這醒目的資訊板,是那款字體呢?簡潔易看。
The notice board look smart and informative, well done and anyone know what font type is?
We checked-in a room with a mini-kitchen. Cook for the morning and night is a very good idea to save money. We enjoy shopping at the local supermarket and eggs are always in our recipe.
The sightseeing places, restaurants, food stores and souvenir shops at Raykjavik are centralized, we can access it easily just by foot. Almost all shops accept electronic payment.
We love taking pictures on the street and here are a lot of graffiti everywhere on the wall's exterior.
食物方面,我家大爺忘不了的是魚。這裡最常捕獲的是Cod fish;這魚在大西洋冰冷又深的海域才找到。肉質結實重油香。我家大爺也愛猫,大家都愛吃魚。
My hobby like eating fishes and here in Iceland is at a right place. Cod fish is plenty in supply and it is commonly used in Iceland dishes. The texture is not too soft, oily but not greasy, we like it.
冰島賞過的摩卡、黑朱古力和咖啡非常美味,是優良水質和新鮮牛奶幫了忙,還是他們調配技巧高超呢?這個農場 (Lely)在黃金圈附近,離市中心一點距離,她的雪糕超好味滑香不太甜,光速被我吃掉了沒有機會拍攝。補充了體力繼續步行。
Dark chocolate, mocha and coffee made in Iceland are excellent. They are the best I had ever tasted. The farm we visited Lely is at Golden Circle, a bit away from Reykjavik. The ice-cream over there is a must try dessert and this message is cool ” Life is short - eat dessert first! "
有一位學者 Mr. Sigurður Hjartarson不知何解對男性生殖呢官很著迷,深入研究,熱愛程度達至成立了全球唯一的陰莖博物館 (Phallological Museum)。多年收集在冰島找的哺乳類動物陰莖,展示數目超過300款。這位宇宙最強先生 Jonah Falcon (born July 29, 1970) 擁有紀錄中最長最大的,他同意死後捐出自已的陰莖給博物館展覽。
A scientist Mr. Sigurður Hjartarson have serious interest in studying penis. He’s spent over 40 years collecting over 300 different mamma animal phalluses and founded the world’s only Phallological Museum. Jonah Falcon came to national attention over the size of his penis, reported to be the largest on record. He is invited to display his penis at the museum after he die, check it out his positive response in the letter.
What can you see in this picture? So please be gentle to animals, they are much much stronger than human begin at some point of view.
Hallgrímskirkja situated in the centre of Reykjavík, it is one of the city's best-known landmarks and is visible throughout the city. Go to the observatory deck at the top to enjoy the entire cityscape.
Harpa Concert Hall 是Reykjavik最大的音樂廳及會議中心。基本結構是由包含不同顏色的幾何形狀玻璃面板的鋼框架組成,玻璃柱的形狀的設計靈感是來自於冰島的玄武岩。
Harpa is the largest concert hall and conference centre at Reykjavik. The building features a distinctive colored glass facade inspired by the basalt landscape of Iceland.
這個金屬雕塑 The Sun Voyager 建在海岸線(Sæbraut Street) 上,以維京船骨架為靈感製作,是冰島藝術家Jón Gunnar Árnason 的作品,有人說它是一艘代表了夢想的船,也有人說它是獻給太陽的頌詩。
The Sun Voyager is a sculpture by Jón Gunnar Árnason, located next to the Sæbraut street in Reykjavík. Sun Voyager is described as a dreamboat, or an ode to the Sun. The artist intended it to convey the promise of undiscovered territory, a dream of hope, progress and freedom.
在市政廳前門玻璃上的冰島文字外形好看又有趣,很想知道寫著什麼。找著作者Tómas Guðmundsson 的名字翻查資料,原來他是位冰島詩人,很好奇這作品「Junimorgunn」內容說什麼呢?找方法把文字打了出來,再用Google翻譯知道了答案。這是我的理解:他在讚美雨水落在花兒上的美態,歌頌大自然、雨水、陽光、月色銀光變幻的常態讓生命生生不息地循環。感謝上天創造這個美麗世界,讓冰島和這個城市融合其中。
The Icelandic character looks special and laying on the window beautifully in translucent. I don’t know Iceland language but I really interest to know what is it telling. I google it and finally know it. This is a poem written by a Icelandic author Mr. Tómas Guðmundsson, he is amazing the beauty of the nature and thanks god prepare a heavenly landscape for Iceland and the city is fusion naturally and softly.
Tjörnin 市中心內最大的湖。一家大細一起沿湖邊散步餵鴨子,是很普遍的消閒活動。幸運的話,這裡是市中心能看見極光的好地方。用步行方式遊覽市中心主要景點很舒適愉快。冰島的大自然、風景地貌才是主菜,下篇待續。
Tjörnin is the biggest lagoon in Reykjavik, it is a favourite place to take young children to watch or feed birds. If you are luckily, northern light will be appear over here at the proper season. There is all the major sightseeing places accessible by foot. Coming next we will join some tours to explore the landscape of the beautiful Iceland.
Tourist Information:
Keflavik International Airport https://www.isavia.is/en/keflavik-airport
Icelandair https://www.icelandair.com/en-gb/
Iceland Tourist Board https://www.ferdamalastofa.is/en
Aurora forecast I https://en.vedur.is/weather/forecasts/aurora/#type=total
Aurora forecast II http://www.aurora-service.eu/aurora-forecast/
Mila Live webcams https://www.livefromiceland.is
Baltic Livecam https://balticlivecam.com/cameras/iceland/
Transfer :
Reykjavik Excursions Flybus https://www.re.is/tour/flybus-transfer/
Pick-up and drop-off places https://busstop.is
Luggage Lockers http://www.luggagelockers.is
Road web cams http://www.road.is/travel-info/web-cams/
Tour information:
Inspired by Iceland https://www.inspiredbyiceland.com
Guide to Iceland https://guidetoiceland.is
Visit Reykjanes https://www.visitreykjanes.is
Visit Reykjavik www.visitreykjavik.is
East Iceland https://www.east.is
South Iceland https://www.south.is
West Iceland https://www.west.is
North Iceland https://www.northiceland.is/en
NiceTravel https://nicetravel.is
Hidden Iceland https://hiddeniceland.is
Aurora bus tour https://bustravel.is/tours/northern-lights-tours/nl-bus
Blog & Page:
Unlock Iceland https://www.facebook.com/unlockiceland/
Icelandislander 冰島島民 https://www.facebook.com/icelandislander/