冰島公共交通不方便暢遊不駕車只好報當地團了。如果是夏天5, 6月直至9月中有循環巴士到主要景點還可以露營。冰島的自然地貌很多元化「冰、火、水、陸」包羅萬有。當地旅行團多不勝數競爭劇烈,領隊說華人參加團的比例很高。旅遊業是冰島三大收入來源之一,其餘是捕魚業和鋁冶煉。冰島土地面積大約是100,250平方米,人口約350,734,一半人口居住在首都或附近。
Iceland’s landscape is remote, if you don’t drive the best way to visit Iceland is join local tour. There are also some hop-on, hop-off bus tours available during summer time until mid of Sep. Iceland’s landscape is incredibly diverse: glacier, massive waterfalls, lava and stunning nature are all-in-one relatively small island. Tourism, aluminium smelting, and fishing are the pillars of the economy. Land area 100,250 sq km and the population is 350,734, half of the people are living at Reykjavik and surroundings.
我們參加了3次當地團,分別去了最美麗的南部、西部和熱門的黃金圈。選擇了16人以下小團避免人太多拍照時引起不方便。到南部的行程需要 2 日1 晚,領隊兼教練細心專業有耐性所以印象最深刻。
We joint 3 tours and went to South coast, West Peninsula and Golden Circle. We favour small group tour and the 2 days trip to the South coast are the most rememberable because the stunning landscape and we are leaded by a professional smart instructor.
行冰川 Sólheimajökull Glacier
Glacier walk must be guided by a professional instructor, he checked everyone’s hiking boots, get ready all the size fitted equipments including crampon, ice axe, helmet and harness. He brief us the hiking techniques and safety guidelines before start.
The weather is getting worse and start raining, we are walking in a shower.
The trail is not easy for me stepping on the loose rock and sand, it take around an hour reach the starting point of the glacier walk.
We finally arrived the top of the glacier after an hour. The coloration of Sólheimajökull Glacier is some dusty black in between electric blue and sparkling white. I didn’t try the melting water although as told it is tasty. Full set waterproof clothes is a must have item, we walk in the rain for almost 2 hrs I felt cold but not freezing because I kept my body dry. if you wanna take camera, tighten it around your body and free your hands.
Scientists at the Icelandic Meteorological Office claim that Sólheimajökull over the last century the glacier lost around 2.2 sq km of its front part and it has retreated 50m annually, Sólheimajökull may disappear by end of the century. The Melting glaciers are one of the most visible signs of climate change. Here a short footage study the retreat.
看瀑布 Waterfalls
整個冰島怖滿不同款式數之不盡的瀑布。天然美景是上天賜予的禮物。在南部到訪了幾個各有特色著名瀑布。Skógafoss 是南部最大的瀑布,瀑布前是平坦淺石灘遊人可以近距離欣賞。天氣晴朗的日子,瀑布前經常出現大彩虹呢。沿山路上200尺可以到達瀑布頂。
This is one of Iceland’s biggest and most beautiful waterfalls with an astounding width of 25 meters and a drop of 60 meters at the cliffs of the former coastline. The land underneath the waterfall is very flat, allowing visitors to walk right up to the wall of water. Skógafoss can also be viewed from the top as a steep staircase leads to an observational platform above the cascade. A rainbow always appear on a sunny day.
Gljúfrabúi (Canyon Dweller) 這瀑布有點隱蔽入口很擠只夠兩個人同時通過,而且必須經過地上濕滑的岩石進洞抬頭一看是美景。
This waterfall is hidden behind a considerable cave. A stream runs through a cleft in the cliff, and those who wish to approach the falls must do so by wading through these waters. With the open sunny sky above during sunset, it is one of Iceland’s most breathtaking gems, seemingly from a fantasy story.
Seljalandsfoss 這瀑布別有洞天,瀑布後面有一條通道空間可以容納15-20人,遊人可以從左至右或相反方向行一篇。水從60米高沖下來很有氣勢,我在這裡練功夫。
This waterfall that can be fully encircled with a drop of 60 metres and which is one of the country's most famous and visited falls. The cliffs behind the falls have a wide cavern (can occupy 15-20 ppl), rocks and paths. I am where a practicing Kung Fu over there during sunset.
The weather in Iceland is totally unpredictable, luckily met sunset by the end of the itinerary. Our guide said Iceland is on sunny days for a whole month already and start raining on the date we arrive.
I love cloudscape, the coloration during sunset is amazing.
We spent a night at Vik, the hostel is operated by the tour company. The place is cosy and warm, we checked in a private room with sharing washroom and common kitchen. Here is a place to make new friends, we enjoy chat with a father and daughter from US and Hawaii, we joint the same tour but didn’t have a chance to talk until dinner, we are facebook friend now. Our tour guide/instructor/driver is the same person, he came from central Europe and he is interested in Chinese history; he said I look like one of the historical person, haha are you kidding me?
We understand nature is no guarantee and we didn’t see aurora this time in Iceland. Take this chance to picture the milky way since the hostel is remote with minor light pollution. It is extremely windy that night and we can’t stand longer than 20 minutes and rush back to the room.
遊冰湖 Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon
The amphibian boat trip take around 30 mins, we take the vessel on land and drive into the water, I felt like entering a refrigerator. The icebergs are crack from Breiðamerkurjökull glacier moving towards the river mouth and connected with the sea, the water in the lagoon is a mixture of freshwater and sea-water. The ice is over thousand years and it is clear and pure.
有些冰塊會沖上附近黑沙灘,可能當時還不算冷浮冰很快消溶,和網上看到一大塊一大座冰的規模相差很遠。冰像水晶般通透形狀不規則有些帶氣泡、雪花被海水沙石打磨拋光。若果陽光普照冰塊經折射一閃一閃像鑽石,Diamond Beach 這個名稱是因此得來吧。
Some icebergs wash up on the shore laying on the vivid black sand, on a sunny day they will sparkle like the diamonds. We’re a bit disappointed by the size of the “diamonds”, may be the temperature is not cool enough yet.
苔原 Eldhraun lava field
整日的行程差不多完了,回程Reykjavík途經一些特別地貌,領隊都會停下來順道讓我們休息。在冰島苔蘚品種超過600款,西南部看到的多數是Woolly fringe-moss。苔蘚普遍每年只能生長1厘米,像這一大片 (18立方公里) 生長在熔岩上的苔蘚,需要經過千年配合特定溫度和濕度才能生長成。冰島人很珍惜這些天賜的禮物,苔蘚是受保護植物旅人可以在規劃了的路徑觀賞絕可不採集和踐踏。
The tour is almost finished and on the way return to Reykjavik, we stopover a dramatic landscape. There are over 600 different type of moss, the most popular type is Woolly fringe-moss at south and west. It take thousands year to grow into such large scale (18 km³), moss can grow no more than 1 cm per year. The are is protected and never step on the green blanket.
Icelanders believe in trolls, imagine that the creatures are living in the mossy wonderland; and they will come and say hello.
Here is the final stop, the graffiti on the remaining like a piece of art installation in the sparse nature.
Speechless looking at the land horizon. I blank my mind and breath, I hear the voice of life.
Tourist Information:
Keflavik International Airport https://www.isavia.is/en/keflavik-airport
Icelandair https://www.icelandair.com/en-gb/
Iceland Tourist Board https://www.ferdamalastofa.is/en
Aurora forecast I https://en.vedur.is/weather/forecasts/aurora/#type=total
Aurora forecast II http://www.aurora-service.eu/aurora-forecast/
Mila Live webcams https://www.livefromiceland.is
Baltic Livecam https://balticlivecam.com/cameras/iceland/
Reykjavik Excursions Flybus https://www.re.is/tour/flybus-transfer/
Pick-up and drop-off places https://busstop.is
Luggage Lockers http://www.luggagelockers.is
Road web cams http://www.road.is/travel-info/web-cams/
Tour information:
Inspired by Iceland https://www.inspiredbyiceland.com
Guide to Iceland https://guidetoiceland.is
Visit Reykjanes https://www.visitreykjanes.is
East Iceland https://www.east.is
South Iceland https://www.south.is
West Iceland https://www.west.is
North Iceland https://www.northiceland.is/en
NiceTravel https://nicetravel.is
Extreme Iceland https://www.extremeiceland.is
Hidden Iceland https://hiddeniceland.is
Glacier Guildes https://www.glacierguides.is/about
Aurora bus tour https://bustravel.is/tours/northern-lights-tours/nl-bus
Blog & Page:
Unlock Iceland https://www.facebook.com/unlockiceland/
Icelandislander 冰島島民 https://www.facebook.com/icelandislander/