這趟旅行我家大爺想感受濃濃節日氣氛,鎖定了到中歐 。維也納 (Vienna) 和布拉格(Prague),這裡的聖誕市集出名大規模及氣氛濃厚,還可以順路到一直很想去的夢幻小鎮-庫倫諾夫(Cesky Krumlov) 。市集在11月中陸續展開,12月頭出發剛剛好又趕及旺季前回程。這次淺嚐奧地利(Austria) 那些美麗湖泊山脈留待夏秋再去。
Street views at the city centre of Vienna. Spacy and tidy.
It is around lunch hour, sunny and chill.
People can reach the major tourist attractions by public transport. Capture the cityscape is our favourite thing to do.
Elegant architures around the city, we are enjoy taking pictures on the street and no spare time for music show this time.
Visit the city centre by Fiaker.
盪下盪下來到這個景點 - 百水公寓 。百水先生是世界有名的藝術家、設計師、雕塑家。參予的項目都是古靈精怪,顏色結構線條別樹一格。把植物、建築、生活和環境有趣地融合是他的拿手好戲。他的作品遍佈世界各地,我們也來朝聖。
The residential building Hunderwasserhaus is designed by Mr. Friedensreich Hundertwasser - a famous artist, designer and sculptor. His interesting projects exist around the world.
One of the most attractive places for tourist in Vienna.
See all the details, curve, shapes and lines in winter because no blocking by the trees and plants. Actually inside of the house is private places and are not open for public, people can visit the museum where not far away from the Hunderwasserhaus.
Christmas is coming to town alreay in early December. Here the City Town Hall where the largest christmas market set up in the city centre.
其實不只市政大樓有聖誕市集,比較少規模的在很多景點範圍也有。我們比較喜歡在Schönbrunn Palace 和 St. Charles's Church 的市集,產品比較獨特精緻。這次窮遊只看不買也很滿足啊!
Christmas markets exist almost everywhere around the attractive spots, find one you love to visit.
A must visit famous places in the list - Schloß Schönbrunn , here you can take the Metro and arrive here by around half hour form the city centre.
經過最大範圍的皇家花園, 行30分鐘小山丘到達凱旋門 - 當年皇室舉行廳宴的地方。遍地積雪是意料之外,整條路面幾乎都是細砂石,哎呀…著錯了鞋真超級凍!
Cool ~ stunning view at the top of Schloß Schönbrunn park. Walking through Great Parterre, here is Gloriette where the King held event and celebration in the past.
St. Stephen's Cathedra is the local landmark in the city center. The second tallest cathedra around the world in Gothic style. Small parts are open for public and the other places are paid for visit.
膳食方面不太適應,大部份餐廳主食是大大堆的紅肉配酸菜汁料,麵餅柔韌有彈性,拼醬汁吃不錯。在聖誕市集最常見的熱食有芝士煙肉薯仔小麵糰、熱狗、麵包湯;喝的有朱古力、咖啡和甜酒…等。在St. Stephen's Cathedra 附近的Cafe嘆杯熱朱古力解解凍,外面燈飾已亮起了看似晚上嗎?其實是下午4點多,冬天遊歐洲就是這樣快天黑。
Meat with sauses is usually find in the main dishes, side dish are usually bread, rice or noodles. Snack food in the christmas market are usually potato with cheese and ham, hot dog, creamy soup placed inside bread, sweet red wine, hot chocolate, coffee ...etc. It is around 16:00, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate to beat the cold.
We have good impression overall in Vienna, people are nice and the city is clean, tidy and copy space. But everything is expensive including food, transport, room rate and access for facilities, we guess that life is not easy at Vienna.
My hobby inborn with a GPS, we got only two whole days visiting and thank you for leading my way during the trip.
Heading to the town Cesky Krumlov.
實用連結 Useful linkage:
1. Vienna Tourist Board https://www.wien.info/en
2.The Vienna Metro http://homepage.univie.ac.at/horst.prillinger/ubahn/english/information.html
3. Point to point route search: https://anachb.vor.at/bin/query.exe/en?L=vs_voranachb&
4. Wien National Railway: http://www.oebb.at
5. Wien transport pass: https://shop.wienerlinien.at/index.php/tickets
6. Hundertwasser's project: http://www.hundertwasser.at/english/oeuvre/arch/arch_projekte.php
7. Ice Skating at Town Hall Square: https://www.wienereistraum.com/en/index.html
8. Christmas Market at Town Hall Square: http://www.wienerweihnachtstraum.at/en/christkindlmarkt/
9. Schönbrunn Palace https://www.schoenbrunn.at/en/visitor-information/
10. Useful Apps for transport: Qando